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Daqarta for DOS is a REAL-TIME:
Daqarta for DOS is EASY TO USE:
Daqarta for DOS is EASY TO OWN:
Daqarta for DOS is POWERFUL:
Daqarta for DOS is EDUCATIONAL:
Daqarta for DOS is FUN!So, what's the catch? The "catch" is that in order to provide really high performance and maintain data integrity, Daqarta for DOS must replace Windows to coordinate all operations directly. Windows is great as a "desktop", but it was never designed for Daqarta's super-fast real-time "benchtop" operations. Thus, you have to run Daqarta from real-mode DOS ONLY (not a Windows "MS-DOS" prompt) to allow it to take full control. NOTE: Daqarta for DOS will not run on Windows NT, XP, 2000, or Vista... use Daqarta for Windows instead. But in Windows 95/98, you can run Daqarta for DOS directly from its own "shortcut" icon on your desktop. Windows will take care of all the needed mode changes, and restart your system when Daqarta is done. In exchange for this minor nuisance, Daqarta for DOS gives you blazing performance. And thanks to it's 100% pure assembly code and unique self-optimizing operation, it can run on older systems that couldn't even support Windows... even that old 8088 PC/XT "clunker" you've been trying to get rid of. Besides speed of operation, Daqarta for DOS provides speed in getting started. Daqarta is "live" when you start it up, with all functions just a keypress away. There is no programming or tedious "wiring of icons" to change configurations... Daqarta was designed to be a working environment, where you can instantly respond to changing needs or simply try out new ideas on the fly. But, if you do want to set up a really complex automated test procedure, you only have to run through it once with Daqarta's Key Macro system... you can even generate controlled random variables . Sure, you CAN spend some time learning about all of Daqarta's advanced features with it's extensive context-sensitive hypertext Help system, but we think you'll be pleasantly surprised at how easy it is to start getting things done immediately. And speaking of the Help system, we've reproduced it here on this Web site for you to check out: Hundreds of pages of detailed how-to information, tutorials, tips, examples, and experiments. Plus, extensive background theory that takes the "air" out of all the esoteric signal processing involved. Everything is cross-linked and indexed... over 4000 links to nearly 800 topics. Even if you never acquire any "real" data with Daqarta, just running through the demos and explanations will give you a much better grasp of the fundamentals than you'd get in engineering school... and without the complex math. In fact, if you already went go to engineering school, you might want to check out Daqarta's Fourier Transform tutorial for the "gut-level" understanding that is missing from most academic presentations. All the details are here on the Web site, but we suggest that rather than extensive browsing here, you might instead consider downloading Daqarta and using its Help system directly. One reason is speed of navigation: There are no traffic tie-ups or slow modem connections in Daqarta. Linking between topics is virtually instantaneous and seamless... you'll be absorbing information instead of a monitor tan. A better reason to download Daqarta and use its Help system is that then you can follow along with all the examples, using Daqarta itself. There is no faster way to learn than by doing... and with Daqarta's built-in Virtual Source and Demo "board" driver, you don't even need any real acquisition hardware: As soon as you download, you can be up and running... and learning. But the best reason to download Daqarta is all the powerful things you can do with it, in your business, lab, or home:
The best illustrations of Daqarta for DOS in action are available simply by downloading the package, but if you want a little preview first, please check out our gallery of full-screen images, complete with descriptive text and links to relevant topics. Or, if you just want flashy graphics, go to download options and check out the LOGOZOOM.EXE program. It shows the same full-screen logo-ship action sequence that Daqarta shows on start-up, but it's only 2K in size... and no unZIP needed. Enjoy, and please contact us if you have any problems, questions, or suggestions. We'll be glad to provide pointers on general lab electronics, experimental design, or anything else you need to get that data flowing! |
Questions? Comments? Contact us!We respond to ALL inquiries, typically within 24 hrs.INTERSTELLAR RESEARCH: 25 Years of Innovative Instrumentation © Copyright 1999 - 2008 by Interstellar Research All rights reserved |